
When the skillet is hot, add the butter to the pan and swirl it to melt. Halve a garlic clove and rub it over the steak every time you turn it. And if you do, come back ad give the recipe a star rating. Roast in the center of the oven until the steaks are cooked to your liking, about 3 to 5 minutes. Make sure to set the marinade juices aside for later.

If needed, add more oil to the skillet. Traeger Smoked New York Strip Steak Recipe Pelletsmoker Net
Traeger Smoked New York Strip Steak Recipe Pelletsmoker Net from sf.ezoiccdn.com
cook for approximately 30 seconds to lessen and soften the strip of fat. Flip steaks and cook on the second side for 2 minutes. You can test doneness with the steak by comparing the firmness from the steak to regions of your hand. Place steaks 1 inch apart in a cold nonstick skillet. Let the steak rest out of the fridge at room temperature for at least 20 minutes. Browse through the many recipes on the sayersbrook bison website. The hungry mouse this one is more method than recipe. Make thin cuts about 1/4 inch or thinner.

Once the skillet is preheated, place a steak on it carefully.

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